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From Fitzroy’s Private Diary (Extract 175)

Alice’s husband damn near mortally offended me today when we were at luncheon at White Orchards. I know he doesn’t like having me around, for reasons too numerous to mention, but he just has to lump it. Either that, or make a stand, and he really isn’t that kind of man. Anyway, he commented, quite derisively I may say, on my many ‘conquests’.

I have never, ever – at least in my personal life – sought the conquest of a woman. I don’t pursue a woman unless I’m under orders to do so, and I’ve never, in all my various amorous encounters, had to resort to using my powers of persuasion to convince a woman to climb into my bed.

Now, obviously, I’m charming, handsome, and witty, and that alone is enough to entice women to me, as a moth to a candle flame. So, quite honestly, I neither have a need, or the desire, to conquer the fairer sex. In fact, the very idea that a woman is something to be conquered is quite repugnant to me. No, the only women I truly wish to encounter between the sheets are the ones as adventurous, as eager, and as consenting as myself.

A love affair should be the result of mutual attraction and willingness. I’m quite prepared to dress well, to flatter, and to present myself in my very best light, but I draw the line at persuading the unwilling. I mean why should I? Leaving aside the obvious ethical concerns, there’s no end of trouble when you go down that route.

There are rare occasions when I’ve been asked to seduce someone, in the interests of the realm, but I’m happy to say that, so far, I’ve not been asked to have a dalliance with a lady who wasn’t already well aware of the game we were playing.

Alice, naturally, is an exception to all of this. She may be part of the game, but her virtue is quite unsullied, and I’ve made it clear to the department that it’s expected to remain that way. She’s a lady, and will be treated as such.

I, however, am something of a scamp, and as long as I break no hearts, I’m more than willing to do whatever is necessary in the service of my country. Alas, such is my devotion to my duty.

Caroline Dunford