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From Fitzroy's Private Diary (Extract 107)

If Jack wakes me early, I have taught him to go through to Griffin and get whatever he wants from him instead. In fact, sometimes he doesn’t even bother waking me and just heads straight through to Griffin to demand breakfast.

I sometimes wonder what Griffin would do without his canine alarm clock. The man sleeps like the dead. He had previously complained that Jack will nip his ears to wake him. I have pointed out that firstly, he is not firm enough with my canine companion (being overly afraid of being bitten) and secondly, it’s really his own fault for sleeping so deeply.

In defence of Jack, I should also point out that Griffin has only ever once required stitches from one of Jack’s playful nips. In that case, once again, it was entirely Griffin’s fault. One should never get between a dog and his sausages; any more than a man should never get between me and one of my paramours.

Caroline Dunford