From Fitzroy's Private Diary (Extract 68)
A List of Things I Hate (in no particular order)
Badly made tea
Enemies of the state
Violence against women
Choux pastry (unfilled)
Men who call me ‘old boy’ - and to whom I would like to say (but can’t), I have killed men for less
Cruelty to animals or children
Soggy chewed slippers (Jack!)
Alice beating me at chess (which I also admire, but pride is bruised)
Alice’s cooking (she is improving but, ye gods, her gravy could be weaponised, and don’t get me started on her dumplings, I swear, one of them damn near broke a tooth)
Bertram’s last will and testament
Predatory women
My relatives (apart from my late beloved mother)
Most other men (terrible bores and insufferable war mongers)
Large Asian spiders
Cheese rind (accidentally added to a sandwich)
Cheap wine (overly acidic and leaves fur on the teeth)
An awful lot of other things I simply can’t be bothered to write down