There are times when I am required to do things for my country that are not as moral as my mother would have liked. In my defence, I repeat that I am doing such things because it is my duty. Whether I like the situations or not, I have to face them. In my work, violence is always a last resort and I am averse to the taking of life.
I cannot say that I am averse to punching the occasional enemy in the face. In fact, a good punch sets one up for the day rather nicely if the rotter deserves it. Fortunately, rotters are plenty on both our sides and theirs - theirs being anyone who acts against Crown and country. For an ill-tempered man such as myself, this job can be a godsend.
However, more often than not, I am called upon to winkle out information. There are times when I am asked to befriend a gentleman, gradually win his confidence and extract information from him. I am more than able to do this. I know London, and indeed many foreign cities, well. I can take a man to all the right clubs, show him the best dining, the best shows and generally lead him into what hedonistic delights he seeks, all the while appearing to be a good fine fellow who is on his side. It is often somewhat of a bore as I find the types I am required to befriend are generally of the set I would rather punch. However, uncovering their secrets and ruining their careers in the process is some consolation.
For reasons only the department knows, I am more likely to be sent on a mission to befriend their wives, daughters, lovers and mistresses. Generally, these creatures are pleasant and in no way to blame for the dastardly actions of their other halves. Although I am not required to, I do try to ensure that when information is passed back down the line, it is cleaned of any incriminating associations connecting the women involved. Of course, the department knows who they are, but I feel it’s my moral duty to ensure their lovers, spouses and fathers never discover who unwittingly betrayed them. As far as my superiors are concerned, this allows me to continue to milk the sources for further information. While this is true, and professionally astute, I would take no pleasure in condemning female connections of mine. After all, it’s not their fault my charms are so hard to resist.
Indeed, I have made an intensive study of how to enrapture a target. I start with as much information as the department has on file, I then go into the field to ascertain its veracity. I conduct a length campaign of acute observation. I play attention to everything, from her favourite foods to whether or not she is ticklish and what entertainment she prefers. Top of my list of enquiries is always to discover how the significant man in her life disappoints or distresses her. I am sad to say there is often a long series of points to be listed. Such bad treatment by family or lovers is all grist to my mill, as I can appear to fill these voids. However, I find it rather sad that so many women, some of them both lovely and kind, are taken for granted. In my adventures, I always do my best to ensure that my time with them becomes fond and cherished memories. It is the very least I can do as I cheat them into betrayal. Quite often the men more than deserve such betrayal by virtue of their treatment of their women alone. Sadly, when one topples a gentleman for his misdeeds, those around him also fall. There is little I can do to prevent this, except offer the ladies in question a period of romance that, in reality, exists only between the covers of novel.
I might be excellent in bed, but as a long-term lover, or - heaven forbid- a husband, I would be fearsomely difficult and tiresome. But, for short periods of time. I can become the very embodiment of Eros. It is one of my talents. I say this in all modesty, for it is true.